DB Consult/ Culture Connection

Management, research and concept development in the Cultural Sector and organization of intercultural performing arts festivals.

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Jeanneke den Boer is owner/director of DB Consult and founder of Culture Connection. She has all-round management experience, including as director of RASA in Utrecht and graduated in cultural anthropology/musicology and law. She has been working in the field of World Music since the eighties.

At present, Jeanneke runs company DB Consult, specialized in policy research, fundraising (also for European projects), management consultancy and creative direction of festivals and international collaboration projects. DB Consult is acquainted with new cultural policy developments and has a worldwide contact network in the performing arts. www.dbconsult-utrecht.nl

In 2008, Jeanneke started foundation Culture Connection that aims to create an open space for encounter between people of different cultures and religions, while respecting every one’s own values. Today’s population, especially in urban areas, is super diverse. People of various backgrounds live together in these areas, often knowing little of each other’s way of life and culture. Culture Connection organizes festivals and projects for people to meet each other and learn about each other arts expression and backgrounds. Culture Connection focuses on creating platforms for cultural exchange and artistic collaboration. One of the projects is Cultural Caravan taking place in super diverse urban neighborhoods. www.culturelekaravaan.nl

Culture Connection is currently working on two projects:
1. Sacred Songs: Collaboration project with choirs and singers from different religious and cultural backgrounds which will result in a wonderful vocal production to be presented in churches and other venues. Choirs and singers represent different singing styles, traditions and repertoire which blend fluently during their joint presentation.
2. The Netherlands – Morocco Urban Music Exchange: a meeting of urban and traditional musicians and dancers from Morocco (Casablanca) and The Netherlands (Utrecht) which will result in a groundbreaking music production.

participating in

  • WOMEX 2024
  • WOMEX 2023
  • WOMEX 2022
  • WOMEX 2021
  • WOMEX, Digital Edition, feat. Budapest Ritmo
  • WOMEX 2019
  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2017
  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2015
  • WOMEX 2014
  • WOMEX 2009
  • WOMEX 2008
  • WOMEX 2007
  • WOMEX 2006
  • WOMEX 2005
  • WOMEX 2004
  • WOMEX 2003
stand number WOMEX 24: C13


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