Raquel Coutinho

Raquel Coutinho


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  • country:Brazil
  • region:Minas Gerais
  • style(s):MPB, Electro
  • label:Casa de Besouro
  • type:Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:female
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Oi Querida!

Line up

  • Guilherme Marques (Samplers, sound engineer and electronic devices)
  • Jongui (Drums, percussions)
  • Maurício Negão  (Guitar, bass)
  • Raquel Coutinho (Percussions, vocals)


Directly from one of the hypest scenes in Brazil, Raquel Coutinho from Minas Gerais, releases her first cd "Olho D'Agua", described as breath taken, speaking directly to your body, makes you want to dance as well as listen to the lyrics, melody and the percussive groves from the band - A sweet combination of organic and technology, aggressive and soft, "Brasility" and sounds of the world. Last year, she had performed at Montreux Jazz Festival, and presented a different kind of Brazilian music. According to Lennart Kjoerling, critic at the music magazine "LIRA MUSIKMAGAZIN" - "Raquel Coutinho fits extremely well at the new generation of Brazilian artists. Using percussion as a first impression and lots new sounds the music becomes and interesting fusion of conventional percussion and digital technology...music to open your ears."

This first cd, was produced by Jongui (producer and drummer), who have produced some of greatest artists in Brazil such as Lobao, Lucas Santana and Zeca Baleiro. The journey took them into a research of drums and rhythms from the Brazillian state Minas Gerais. The cd was recorded in a farmhouse, in the region of Serra do Cipo .

Raquel Coutinho is influenced by percussive grooves and rhythms such as Congado and Candomble. The result is the purest world music sound, down to its core, with lots of voice textures, deep drum grooves, rock guitars, a pinch of digital avant-garde sound, and an unquestionable traditional and unique cultural identity.

Now Raquel Coutinho is recording her second album, produced by a Cameroonian musician who lives in France, Claude Di Bongue. In the new work, the language is even more percussion based, with a strong research in African rhythms that are mixed to the Brazilian Congado Mineiro.


"Olho d'agua" - Raquel Coutinho