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  • country:Romania
  • region:Balkan
  • style(s):Gypsy, Traditional
  • artist posted by:ONE group


IAGALO - The Lautari of Mârsa are perhaps the most inspired and fervent of all traditional musicians in Romania. The exuberant, musical style of their native southern region has certainly stimulated them in this respect. We must also take into consideration the fact that the village is an old "music school" of Muntenia Region which trains its disciples by requiring their total implication in the art of their choice: sound, dance, gesture and pantomime. But it would be unfair to ignore their superb endowment. The traits they all have in common are imagination and impetuosity. Each musician, however, has his own distinct personality, inclinations, aptitudes, qualities and performances.
The IAGALO repertoire includes: ballads, hore, sârbe, doine. They are the keepers of a 200 years old musical tradition. Hora de la Re, Maicã Mãiculita Mea or Dragostea are few of the songs that defined the Romanian folklore as one of the richest and sensible in the world. The debut album will be out in the early of 2005. Stay tuned!


"The Sound Of Marsa [DEMO]" - IAGALO