"Oriental Timing" - Oriental Mood Trio

Oriental Mood Trio
Oriental Timing


by Lars Bo Kujahn
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Oriental Mood Trio

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  • artist:Oriental Mood Trio
  • featured artist:Oriental Mood
  • region:Mediterranean
  • release year:2017
  • style(s):Andalus, Ethno
  • country:Denmark
  • formats:Audio File / Digital
  • record posted by:Oriental Mood Production
  • label:Gateway
  • publisher:Gateway
  •   buy this record


"Oriental Timing"

A musical journey that describes how the Arab Andalusian music and culture met and exchanged tunes and rhythms.
800 years ago Andalucia in Spain was an Arab Sultanate, where Jews, Muslims, Christians and the newly arrived Gypsies, lived side by side with mutual respect for each other's traditions and culture.
Just Arabic and Gypsy music from Andalusia was and is marked by improvisation, the ability to convey the mood. The music is therefore seasoned with spontaneous whim, and many solos on both Qanun, Indian tabla and Flamenco guitar.
The music was written by Lars Bo Kujahn. "Oriental Timing" is a contemporary encounter between flamenco and Arabic music personified by:

Poul J Knudsen:Guitar, (known from "Flamenco Passion") is one of the most distinguished practitioners of Flamenco Guitar in Denmark.

Mirwais Fedai: Indian Tabla, perc. (known from "Dunia", "Mizgin" et al.) have Afghan background, but grew up in Denmark and is today one of the best tabla players in Scandinavia.

Lars Bo "Khaled" Kujahn; Qanun, perc. (head of the Oriental Mood) is conductor, playing Kanun, Arabic perc.

Guests :

Taha Elsayed : Cello
Mostapfa Abdl Nabi : Violin

Booking og Kontakt :