Fred Guichen
Fred Guichen - Dor An Enez


Fred Guichen - Album "Dor an Enez"
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Dor An Enez - The Gateway to the Island
There is an inspiring and tumultuous place that you think you know but don't...
Return to it? Just to see if the magic works.
Other lights, other winds, other rains have left their mark, other people have invented stories. And it is here, once again, that Fred Guichen has chosen to tell us his own, in his new album Dor an Enez.
We find there the strength of his playing, light and deep at the same time, nourished by an extreme sensitivity, where the spontaneous ornaments, scattered here and there, flow between his fingers with delicacy, as usual, like his signature.
And then this almost obsessive need to return to the sources, to dance, to trance, like a peaceful and constant guardian of an authentic movement that links people together forever.