Full Jury Selected Showcases + Club Summit + Atlantic Connections

WOMEX 23 Showcase Selection 2nd round

After announcing the first wave of Jury-selected Showcase artists a couple of weeks ago, today, we have another significant artist announcement, with many more artists joining the WOMEX 23 lineup. In the coming weeks, we will announce the Conference, the Film programme, the artists for the offWOMEX stage, the Opening programme and the recipients of the WOMEX 23 Awards.

To date, the upcoming 29th edition of WOMEX this October features 45 artists representing 40 countries, not including the offWOMEX line-up, the Opening programme artists and the WOMEX Award recipients that will be announced in the coming weeks.

From 25 to 29 October 2023, the vibrant city of A Coruña, Galicia, Spain, will come alive with various sounds, rhythms, and cultures as musicians and music professionals from across the globe gather to celebrate diversity and musical creativity.

Stay tuned, more programmes will be announced in the coming weeks.

The second set of Jury-selected WOMEX 23 Showcase artists are:
Ánnámáret (Finland)
Baiuca (Spain)
Cocanha (France)
Danûk (Syria/Türkiye/Spain)
Elephant Sessions (UK)
Florence Adooni (Ghana)
Haepaary (South Korea)
Ko Shin Moon (France)
La Sonora Mazurén (Colombia)
Les Héritières - Tribute to Cheikha Rimitti (Algeria/France)
Livia Mattos (Brazil)
Mouvman Alé (La Réunion)
Ustad Noor Bakhsh (Pakistan)

The Regional Stage:
Atlantic Connections:

Ailá (Spain)
Beatriz Rosário (Portugal)
Magalí Sare & Manel Fortià (Spain)
Neomak (Spain)
Rodrigo Sosa y la Quenistica (Cuba/Argentina)
Trilitrate (Spain)
Valeria Castro (Spain)
Vivi Pozzebón (Argentina)

Club Summit
Asna (Cote d’Ivoire)
Caribombo (Venezuela/France)
Danykas DJ (Portugal/UK)
DJ Pö (Ghana/France/Uganda)
Pekodjinn (Tunisia/Italy/Switzerland)

Hear The Artists Before You Catch Them Live
Curious to hear what the Jury-selected Showcase artists sound like?

Listen On Spotify

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article posted by:Gideon Elfgen, Piranha Arts
