Last Programme Updates and Cancellations

WOMEX 21 Porto

Welcome to the 27th edition of WOMEX. Please note the following changes and additions to the programme.


Studio Bros join the WOMEX 21 Club Summit Showcase
Unfortunately, Asna (Côte d'Ivoire/Senegal/France) is unable to attend this year instead Studio Bros (São Tomé and Príncipe/Portugal) will be joining the Club Summit lineup. Catch them at Hard Club on Friday 29 Oct. from 1:00 AM - 2:30 AM.

The 3 virtual SHOWCASES join the WOMEX Film Library located on the second floor of the Daytime venue. Take a break from networking, walk into the Film Library room, and enjoy a selection of films or the virtual Showcases of three artists: Rangamatir Baul (India), Al Bilali Soudan (Mali) and Chalanes del Amor (Chile/Mexico).


Session Time/Room Shifts:

An Alternative Digital Future?
originally: Thu 28 Oct. 15:15-16:15
NEW Time: Fri 29 Oct. 15:00-16:00 at Conference Room 2

The Fragility of Mobility
Thu 28 Oct. 16:30-17:30
originally: at Conference Room 1
NEW Room: it moves to Conference Room 2

Speak My Sister
originally: Thu 28 Oct. 16:45-17:30
NEW Time: Thu 28 Oct. 15:15-16:00 at Conference Room 2

Diversity in the Backstage Area
originally: Fri 29 Oct. 15:00-16:00
NEW Time and Room: Fri 29 Oct. 15:15-16:15 and moves from Conference Room 2 to Conference Room 3

Cancelled Sessions:

African Music to the World
Thu 28 Oct. 11:30-12:30

PR: Its Not Just for Artists
Fri 29 Oct. 15:15-16:00

Cancelled Mentorings:

Alexandra Sesenton

article posted by:Gideon Elfgen, Piranha Arts
