"Hoor" - Sina Alam, Hooman Khalatbari

Sina Alam, Hooman Khalatbari
" Hoor " Duo for Kamancheh & Piano
  • artist:Sina Alam, Hooman Khalatbari
  • featured artist:Sina Alam - Hooman Khalatbari
  • region:Middle East
  • release year:2023
  • style(s):Fusion, Persian
  • country:Iran
  • formats:Audio File / Digital
  • record posted by:Shoosh Ensemble
  • label:Hootunes, Alam Records
  • publisher:Kiava LLC & Meta
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Following the " Caspi " music album from Sina Alam and Hooman Khaltabari, which was a Fiddle ( Kamancheh ) and Piano duet based on the melodies of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran, this time
" Hoor's " music album is introduced.

" Hoor " has seven tracks but based on the Melodies of Khorasan in Northeastern Iran and recorded live - Like Caspi's album - in Paris.

These Khorasani melodies were selected from hundreds of melodies specific to that region, which are very well-known and famous all over the World but perform as duet by Fiddle ( Kamancheh ) , piano and improvisation between these two instruments has given these old melodies a new Color and modern sound.