After 4 years on the road in Africa, the Americas and Europe playing more than 250 concerts, Manou Gallo is back with a third release that is more musical, more acoustic and more personal. The name was almost an obvious choice: "Lowlin", which means journey in the Dida language. A journey that brings us into her silky-smooth world, woven out of soul, funk, reggae and the authentic sounds of West Africa.
LOWLIN, The album of maturity :
Overcoming her natural reserve, Manou Gallo looked deep inside herself for the resources to record the album, whose music she composed almost entirely herself, with co-writes for the lyrics. Manou finds her creative energy in emotion, which gives birth to rhythm, a tone, the texts and the music.
LOWLIN, The album of friendships :
Developed between Brussels, Abidjan, Aarhus and Budapest, Manou invited many people she met over the years on the journey to appear in duos with her. They include Marie Daulne (Zap Mama), Sabine Kabongo, Khadja Nin,Laïla Amezian and Baï Kamara, not forgetting Lene Noorgaad Christensen and Tanga Rema in particular.
LOWLIN, The album of sensitivity :
Carried by joy and revolt, anger and generosity, pain and hope, the tracks are packed with the sound of a patchwork life: KAPIA, the intimate tale of the bond between a mother and child. ESPOIR, dedicated to the children of an Ivory Coast orphanage to whom she grants the right to dream. LA PETITE VILLAGEOISE, or the little girl dreaming of becoming a super star, which soon comes true…