LANAYA at KENAKO Afrikafestival Berlin
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Line up

  • Abdoul Aziz Sinka  (Doundoun, Djembe, Voc, Bandleader)
  • Adama Dembele  (Djembe, Ngoni, Backvoc)
  • Badou M'baye (Djembe, Talking drum, Voc)
  • Daniel Lorenz (Violine)
  • Diakaria Diabaté  (Flute, Balafon, N'goni, Djembe, Doundoun, Bara, Da)
  • Djelifily Sako (Kora, backvoc)
  • Gofefo Konate (Balafon, backvoc)
  • Ibrahim Sinka  (Djembe, Bara, Dance)
  • Jeff Chappah (Bass)
  • Mama Sanou (Vocal, perc.)
  • Souleymane Diabaté (Balafon, Djembe, Voc,)

Modern Manding Music & Dance

1st PRICE at SHARQ TARONALARI 2013 Competition Uzbekistan, UNESCO
& CREOLE Berlin-Brandenburg 2013

Percussion, Balafon, Dance

All musicians are from Burkina Faso, West Africa and use the rich cultural and musical heritage from the people of the Manding. LANAYA have a profound cultural and musical background and have managed to create a very own sound which is going far beyond the songs usually heard on African drum concerts. Performed are the world-famous, powerful and furious rhythms, songs and dances of the Manding Tribes: Bobo, Bissa and Siamou on the borders of Mali, Ghana and Ivory Coast. Even the music-instruments are respectively from those tribes and are normally not used together in a group!
The entire repertoire was arranged by own means and modern style elements. They manage again and again to interpret partly ancient, soft or powerful, sad or happy songs with harmonic grooving melodies and rhythmic African improvisations.
LANAYA regularly invites musicians and dancers as guest from Burkina Faso and are able to convince and delight the audience with their original way and complicity.

Bandleader Abdoul Aziz Sinka works with, against violence & rassisme in schools and youth prisons.
He is also producer with AHOI of two festivals:
- WOKA KUMA,, Berlin Germany
- FESTICO,, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

LANAYA , 1st price Sharq Taronalari, Uzbekistan
Souleymane + Daouda Djabaté by Rachel, Tashkent
LANAYA 1.Preis Sharq Taronalari, by Mahide
1st Price: Creole Berlin-Brandenbuerg
LANAYA, Creole Berlin-Brandenburg 2013
LANAYA - big ensemble
Gofefo Konate
Ibrahim Sinka dancing
Mama Sanou
Aziz Sinka
Lanaya (c) Bernd Kumar
LANAYA 8 musicians


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"Bobo-Dioulasso" - LANAYA