World’s 1st Ladino songwriter
Instagram / Facebook / Youtube: @NaniVazana

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Nani is world’s 1st Ladino songwriter. Her new album ‘Ke Haber’ (What’s New) captures the spirit of the ancient, matriarchal language & propels it into the future w/ socially pertinent lyrics celebrating migration, gender & female empowerment.

The soundscape captures the sounds & smells of the marketplace and fuses them with raw, flamenco like vocals, soft choral trombone, mariachi guitar & percussion & piano.

Nani’s music was documented for the Library of Congress USA in 2023, in an honour reserved to few artists, naming her new Ladino repertoire as a “living relic”.

Nani ranked #11 World Music Charts and #13 Music Charts Europe, represented the Netherlands at the EU Music Festival in Vietnam and performed at the Kennedy Center USA, BBC Radio 3, the London Jazz Festival UK, Jazz in the Park fest Romania and the Jodhpur RIFF festival India.

Nani held talks at TEDx Amsterdam NL, WOMEX, Hangveto, JAZZIAM, Colours of Ostrava, Music Finland, AtojazZ, Norsk Jazz Forum, InJazz, Fira B! and more.

Invited to showcase @ SXSW, USA 2025
Folk alliance, USA 2024 2023
Your Roots Are Showing, IE, 2024
World Music Festival, Taiwan, 2023
Fira B!, ES 2023
NAMM, USA 2022
APAP, USA 2021
InJazz, NL 2018
Jazzahead Clubnight, DE 2017

Library of Congress ‘Living Relic’ Honours 2023
PAIS Album Award, IL 2021
SENA Music Production Award, NL 2020
Arts Council England Premiere Award, UK 2019
Sephardic Music Award, ES 2017



participating in

  • WOMEX 2024
  • WOMEX 2023
  • WOMEX 2022
  • WOMEX 2021
  • WOMEX, Digital Edition, feat. Budapest Ritmo
  • WOMEX 2019
  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2017
  • WOMEX 2016
stand number WOMEX 24: C13


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Nani Noam Vazana