Taller de Músics

Currently, the Productions & Management department at Taller de Músics is a reference for the cultural management of modern music.

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public contact
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business contact
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The vocation for teaching, sharing and promoting music has been a key factor at the Taller de Músics. The Productions & Management department is currently reference among the cultural management of modern music. We develop and promote musicians linked, either directly or indirectly, to Taller de Músics. We produce shows and carry out research. Taller de Músics offers a solid platform and experience to support musical creations such as the Original Jazz Orquestra Taller de Músics (OJO). It brings together the best and most diverse groups for shows and tailor-made concerts for different types of events, both public and private. It also manages the tours of more than ten different artists and projects.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2024
  • WOMEX 2023
  • WOMEX 2021
  • WOMEX, Digital Edition, feat. Budapest Ritmo
  • WOMEX 2019
  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2017
  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2015
  • WOMEX 2014
  • WOMEX 2013
  • WOMEX 2012
  • WOMEX 2011
  • WOMEX 2010
stand number WOMEX 24: U3


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