• 22-26 OCT 2025
  • Tampere, Finland
Digital WOMEX

How to Navigate the WOMEX 20 Digital Programme

21-25 October 2020


Despite not being able to meet in person this year for our annual reunion, the WOMEX team, together with our local Budapest partner Hangvető, has put together an elaborate programme that allows the WOMEX community to come together digitally. This virtual space allows conversations to continue, the music to keep playing and the global connections to remain strong. Welcome to the first-ever Digital Edition of WOMEX feat. Budapest Ritmo.

This manual will help you navigate through the digital programme and make the most of your WOMEX digital days.

To be able to watch the Showcases, Films and WOMEX Award Ceremony, as well as join the Conference and take part in Networking and Mentoring sessions, you must be a registered participant of the WOMEX 20 Digital Edition and log into your virtualWOMEX account.
- Register here if you haven’t already to receive your virtualWOMEX login details.
- With your login details at hand – head to the WOMEX 20 Digital Programme page here. The page can also be accessed through the slide on the WOMEX homepage and is listed in the dropdown menu under the “Programme” tab as “WOMEX 20 Digital Edition”.

**Please note that you can browse through the entire programme without logging in, but you will not have access to the different interactive elements. All time zones mentioned on the website are Central European Time (CEST).


MainpageDigital WOMEX Mainpage.

Now you are ready to dive into your WOMEX Digital Edition adventure - here is how to actively participate in the different programme sections:

WOMEX Showcase

Every evening from 21 - 24 October, we will have two screenings of the daily Showcases spread across two virtual stages, ie: two video screens on one page: Stage Left and Stage Right. Every showcase artist will have a recorded live performance of up to 15 minutes, followed by a short recorded video interview with a journalist.

The first screening of the virtual Showcases will start at 18:30 CEST with a repeat screening at 21:00 CEST, to cater to different time zones.

  1. Click on the box that says Showcases as shown in the image above
  2. Here you arrive to the Showcase schedule
  3. Once you click on the window, you will be led to the Showcase virtualWOMEX Event page, where the virtual Stages: Stage Left and Stage Right can be found, as well as the links to the Showcase Artist Profiles.
  4. On the Artist Profiles, you can re-watch their Showcase or head to the band’s company profile to contact them directly via email or video chat.

For an overview of all Showcase artists for WOMEX 20, head here: https://www.womex.com/programme/showcases



Starting from Wednesday, 21 October at 14:00 CEST until Saturday, 24 October, join live interactive online panel discussions, mentoring sessions and network meetings, where speakers from around the world address the global music scene’s most pressing topics.

  1. Click on the box that says Conference to find a daily breakdown of the sessions.
  2. Within the daily schedule, click on a session you are interested in. You will be redirected to the virtualWOMEX event page, where you can watch the session through our video-preview at the designated time or connect via Zoom by following the link on the event page and actively participate in the session (ask questions, leave comments, participate in break-out rooms & more).
  3. As a participant, you don’t need a zoom account. To access all the features of a session, download the latest version of the zoom client on your computer or phone. You may also join from your browser by choosing that option in the dialog window.
  4. Most Conference speakers, Network coordinators and Mentors have virtualWOMEX profiles and the links to them can be found on the respective session pages or through the “Meet the Speakers” section.



Stream the entire official selection of 21 international films for an extended period from Thursday, 15 October until Sunday, 25 October at your convenience - any time of the day. All films are accessible worldwide 24/7 starting from 12:00 CEST on 15 October.

  1. Click on the box that says Films and you will be directed to the Film Programme page.
  2. Click on the film you would like to watch from within the selection list on the page.
  3. On the left-hand side of the page, under the “videos” section, click on “Watch Film!” option in the dialog window.
  4. Click on the “full screen” icon to maximize the video.
  5. On a film event page, you can also click on the “Film Contact” under the “Links” section to contact the filmmakers using your virtualWOMEX profile.
  6. Please don’t forget to hit the “Notify Us” button at the bottom of the page, once you have watched a film.



On the final day of WOMEX, Sunday, 25 October from 14:00 – 16:00 CET, click on the box that says Awards to access the online Award Ceremony. Tune in to celebrate the Artist Award recipient, Mónika Lakatos and the Professional Award recipient, l’Atelier des Artistes en Exil – the Agency of Artists in Exile. Access the video ceremony through the event page, which will be followed by a special screening of a live concert by Mónika Lakatos & the Gipsy Voices, direct from Budapest Ritmo. (Please note that Daylight Savings Time ends in Europe on this day so we will turn back the clocks an hour.)



Our local partner, Hangvető, is putting together a unique programme from the region. Taking place on-site in Budapest, Müpa, this programme will be streamed through virtualWOMEX and offers digital delegates the opportunity to get to know the local scene and dive into the vast musical culture of Hungary.

  1. Click on the Budapest Ritmo button.
  2. Get a daily breakdown of the Conference, Mentoring and Networking sessions and access them similarly to other Conference sessions explained above.
  3. On Friday, 23 October & Saturday, 24 October, under the Showcase section, you will be able to screen our local Jury Selected Hungarian Showcases, direct from Budapest at 18:30 & 21:00 CEST.



Interviews, podcasts, playlists and industry information - explore all original WOMEX content right here. From global survey results to up close and personal conversations with key figures in the global music industry.

On the Digital Programme overview page you will also find tabs linking to the programme schedule overview and the “Who is Joining” list on this page.



Check out our separate virtualWOMEX manual here to create a personalised, online presence on virtualWOMEX and get in direct contact with other attending delegates. Think of this as the Trade Fair part of WOMEX - just online - complete with direct chat and video stands.

If you have any questions contact us at womex@womex.com.