• 22-26 OCT 2025
  • Tampere, Finland

DIGITAL Showcases 2020

WOMEX is pleased to present the Showcase Artists that were selected by the 2020 Jury.
Amidst lockdowns, curfews and travel restrictions, the Showcase artists got creative
and put together some incredible musical material for WOMEX 2020.

Travel from your couch to the rooftops of Mexico City, to the courtyard of the Tekfur Palace, to Tel Aviv and Reykjavik
through the click of a button. Select the screening below at the time and date of the Showcase Session.

All artists can be contacted via their Artist Profiles where you can also re-watch the Showcase to your heart's content.
On Friday and Saturday nights, concerts will be streamed from Budapest Ritmo.

Once a screening has taken place, it is no longer available to watch (second screenings will only be
available until midday the following day). But you can still click on the box to find out which Showcase Artists took part
in the screening and access their Artist Profiles from there.

Wednesday  |  ThursdayFridaySaturday


Wednesday, 21 October 2020




Thursday, 22 October 2020




Friday, 23 October 2020




Saturday, 24 October 2020




Enter virtualWOMEX

All WOMEX 20 Digital Edition content is available through the virtualWOMEX database